The Great Leeds’ Pumpkin Party – OCTOBER 24

We want the good, the bad and the ugly!  We want the super basic, the traditional, and the unimaginable. We want pumpkins from the littlest of kids, bigger kids, teenagers and adults. We want lots of pumpkins!  Help fill the party tables lined up along Chestnut Street on Saturday, October 24th. Bring one or more pumpkins and earn the right to bask in the glow! Enjoy the entertaining pumpkin roll, music, crackling fire pit, delicious food and cider. This is a pretty fun event that the Leeds Civic Association has held annually for two decades. It’s a celebration of and for the Leeds’ community, so don’t be shy, make your way down to the corner of Upland and Chestnut with a pumpkin in your arms on October 24th!

Carve or decorate a pumpkin and have a chance to win the raffle prize for your age group: Kids (age 6 and under),Youth (age 7-12), Teen (age 13-17), Adult (age 18 and up).

Drop off your pumpkin creations between 3:00 and 5:00 at the corner of Chestnut and Upland. Be sure to check in at the registration table because that’s where you’ll receive get your raffle ticket.

Kid’s Pumpkin Roll (12 and under) starts at 4:30. A first and second prize will be awarded and the winner’s names will be preserved for history’s sake on the  “winner’s  board”  –  a  great  honor that your child may choose to include on his or her college applications!

Homemade hot soups, baked potatoes with the fixins’, warm cider, side dishes, and desserts will be available after the pumpkin roll.

We have set up an easy way to sign up for food items for the party. Click on the SignUp Genius link below to see a list of what is needed. You may also contact Amy Quinn at 413-586-0283.

If you are able to contribute a food item please label your serving utensils and bowls with your name which will make it so much easier to get them back to you if you accidentally leave them behind!

Deliver food between 4:30 -5:30. There will be several grills to keep the soups warm.

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