Group brings Leeds’ concerns to Mayor Narkewicz

by Heidi Stevens

LCA board members Earl Meuniur, myself, Leeds-Mill River Greenway Chair Jason Johnson and Ward 7 City Councilor Alisa Klein met with Mayor Narkewicz on October 13th. Northampton Fire Chief Duane Nichols, Wayne Feiden of the Planning Department, and Ned Huntley of the DPW were also at the meeting. Below are the issues we have been hearing the most about from Leeds folks and were presented at the meeting:

Water Street evacuation 

The first concern presented was an alternate evacuation route for Water Street residents if a situation arose where Water Street was cut off due to a storm event or other emergency. The City’s current emergency route is through Roberts Hill Conservation area. Earl Munier and Red Greene have long thought that Old Newco Road (the first driveway on the west side of Water Street after the brook) to be a good alternative and this option was presented at the meeting. Since the meeting, Fire Chief Nichols has looked at and walked the proposed route and agrees it is a viable option if needed. Chief Nichols is having the DPW check and see if the city has any utility rights of way in this area. They are aware that a tree would need to be cleaned up for access. If the city has a right of way the DPW could cut up the tree to clear the path. If not they will need to work with the landowner to make it passable. Fire Chief Nichols also said in his email response to Councilor Klein “that the residents who we met with were great. I always appreciate when someone offers solutions and not just problems.”

Mill River Conservation area 

The second concern brought up was the abusive use, excessive garbage dumping and day camping that occurs along the Mill River on and upstream from Chartpak Dam.The Northampton Police have made extra efforts regarding this activity since early in the summer of 2015. Now, the Planning Department is onboard to try and help address the problem. Next week Wayne Feiden from the Planning Department will walk the site with LCA board members and Mill River Greenway chair, Jason Johnson to determine what can be done in advance of summer 2016 to help the situation. Our goal is to encourage respectful use of the river front and maintenace along the new bike path extension.

Hotel Bridge

The third concern addressed at the Mayor’s meeeting was the status of the Hotel Bridge. In the short term the LCA requested help from the DPW to keep the entrances looking better, even if they are closed to pedestrians. The bridge is a stop on the Mill River Greenway’s historical walking tour. Guard rails and invasives need attention. In the long term, the LCA offered our continued support to find a way to open the bridge to pedestrain traffic. The Mayor will be discussing options with DPW, and the planning department will be helping to locate grant funding for restoration. Restoration will be expensive and the process will take time.


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