Photos from the past...

The Old School Bell at Memorial Park

These two photos are of the front and the back of the train station, once in Leeds, circa 1931.


This photo was taken on the morning after the flood in 1874.

Do you know where this is?

Two houses in this shot still you know where?


Swimming at the Leeds' Reservoir
in the 60's. Renamed Musante Beach in 1993.
Swimming at the old reservoir

cataloque page from the Silk Mill

A sample cataloque page from the
Corticelli Silk Mill of Leeds.
The Silk Mills were a major employer
in Leeds from 1888 until 1932.

Here are some horses enjoying water at the trough that at one time was positioned at the intersection of Main St. and Mulberry St.

The LCA is looking for old photos of Leeds...if you have some and would like to share, please contact Sue Carbin by calling (413) 584-3314

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