Beat The Winter Blues Pizza Party, 2005!

The old school bell at Memorial Park

This was the fifth annual 

Leeds Civic Association

Beat The Winter Blues Pizza Party!!

March 19th, 2005...we hope you were there!!

If you use a dial up service, please be patient...

there are a lot of pictures on this page.


Name tags are very important!


Congratulations to the many raffle prize winners!!


C'mon, Jim! That toilet paper HAD to be on sale!!


Okay, the kids how it's done!!


Or should the kids show George?!


Here is a picture of Phil...

secretly studying Red's every move.


Here is a picture of Red talking to George. 

They must be talking about the "Big Auction," 

which will soon take place.


Here is Phil again...this was taken right before 


he almost bid his whole 


life away in the auction with Red.


That is the look of victory! 


Red outbids Phil by a few cents and wins this great trophy! Good job Red!!


Here is Jim and Dana secretly rigging the raffle.

"...and Dana's parents won again!"


See, name tags are important!


Don't forget to water it every day!


It looks like everyone had something to do!


There's Seth Mias explaining the secret ingredient added to all of his confections!


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