The water balloon toss at the 2004 Block Party!   

Leeds Civic Association

Trivia Contest

The old school bell at Memorial Park

Woohoo! Our first online contest!! This contest made it's debut right before our 5th annual Beat The Winter Blues Pizza Party, but Sue Carbin (LCA President) was the only one who submitted it in time to qualify for the free tickets that we offered. Now it's your chance to try it...Just fill it out and hit 'Submit'. You'll receive an E-mail with your score soon!

1.) Name 2 01053 post office employees.

                    1a 1b

2.) Name 1 conservation area in Leeds.


3.) What color lights blink in front of Clementine's?

                     3a 3b

4.) Who is the honorable mayor of Leeds?


5.) What street do YOU live on?


6.) Name 2 dams in Leeds.

                     6a 6b

7.) Name 5 ROADS in Leeds.

                    7a 7b 7c

                    7d 7e

8.) Name 5 STREETS in Leeds.

                    8a 8b 8c

                    8d 8e

9.) What long time principal is the library in Leeds Dedicated to?


10.) Name a farm in Leeds.


11.) When does the LCA meet?


11a.) Where?


12.) Name 2 LCA Directors...

                  12a 12b

13.) ...President...


14.) ...VP...


15.) Treasurer?


16.) Name a medical facility in Leeds.


17.) Fill in the blanks: On December 4th, 2004, we had a holiday & in the Mulberry Street Park.

18.) In what year did an enormous flood sweep through Leeds?


19.) Where is the memorial in Leeds for this flood?


20.) What is the name of the pedestrian bridge in Leeds?


21.) Name 2 Avenues in Leeds.

                 21a 21b

22.) Name a business in Leeds.


23.) Name a golf course in Leeds.


24.) Name a school in Leeds.


25.) Name one of the three 2004 pumpkin contest winners.


26.) Where is the annual pumpkin contest held?


27.) Name a sight of wildlife described in an LCA newsletter by Jim Mias.


*Please fill in the info below...without it, we can't contact you!!


This silly little contest  was created by Dana Collins for the Leeds Civic Association...and time for some really fine print...Sue said it best when she said: The LCA "officers, board members and their families are not eligible for prizes offered on this website (and web masters). Not because we would do any better than the general public, just because it doesn't look good." TRY IT ANYWAY...and GET IT RIGHT!!