Events in Leeds

The old school bell at Memorial Park

Upcoming Events in Leeds:


Upcoming Events in the white boxes like this are held, sponsored, or co-sponsored by the Leeds Civic Association.

Upcoming Events in the boxes like this are not affiliated with the Leeds Civic Association,

 but are posted here as a community service.

If you would like to post your Leeds event on this page, please E-mail details to:







Monthly LCA Meetings

The Leeds Civic Association's 

monthly meetings

 always happen on the

 second Tuesday of the month.


They are held in the Teacher's Lounge

 of the Leeds Elementary School at 7 pm.


Please note that we do not meet in July or August.


All are welcome to attend. 


If you have a project or activity

you would like to see happen,

this is the place to bring it. 

We are always looking for new ideas.







Leeds's Annual Village-Wide Tag Sale

Saturday, June 18th, 2011

8am - 12noon



Please click here for more details






LCA Summer Movies

The summer movies begin on

   Saturday, June 25th, 2011 @ 8:00pm   

in the backyard of 32 Upland Road.

Bring a blanket, chair, drinks and whatever else!


Popcorn is provided!

More details are on their way...






Leeds Civic's Annual Block Party


Stay tuned for the info...


The Annual Great Pumpkin Contest

Plenty of details are tba in upcoming newsletters.


Bradford Memorial Park and Hotel Bridge Lighting


Help us decorate the center of Leeds with our fancy new LED holiday lights.
All are welcome!




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