Beat the Winter Blues Pizza Party – March 3

If the frigid temps of January have kept you indoors and out of touch, this party will be a welcome outing for you and your family. All Leeds residents are welcome! The pizza party has been a Leeds tradition for close to twenty years. All ages seem to get a kick out of it. It’s a time to socialize, laugh, eat and drink with friends and neighbors, and maybe win raffle item or two. The... Read More

HeatSmart Northampton Kickoff Event

Tuesday, September 12 from 7-8:30 pm Northampton Senior Center at 67 Conz St. Learn how to reduce your heating bill, ditch the window air conditioner and reduce your carbon footprint at the same time! HeatSmart Northampton is the latest City program to help residents and businesses save on their heating and cooling costs by providing discounted pricing on cold climate air source... Read More

Annual Pizza Party

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Book Reading & Author’s Signing

Lost Village of Robert’s Meadow by John Clapp On February 8, 2017 from 7:00-8:15pm in the Leeds School Music Room, Leeds author, John I. Clapp, will read from his latest book, The Lost Village of Roberts Meadow: Northampton’s Forgotten Settlement. John will reveal the little known history of the small village of Robert’s Meadow that was located in the northwest corner of Northampton... Read More

Presents for Leeds

Every winter the Leeds Civic Association organizes a pizza party and raffle to cheer up the neighborhood and benefit the Civic Association. One way you can help with this event is by doing a winter cleaning before or after Christmas and donating any new or almost-new items to the raffle. If you find something someone else in the neighborhood might love or you receive a gift that... Read More

Candidate Forum – Oct 21

By Penny Geis Who will you vote for to make your city and school policy and budget decisions? Come get to know the candidates at a forum on Oct 21. From 7:00 – 9:00 pm, in the JFK Community Room. WFCR will air it live, and NCTV will broadcast it both live and with re-runs, but there is no substitute for a face-to-face, in-person evaluation to get that informed gut reaction! Four... Read More

The Great Leeds’ Pumpkin Party – OCTOBER 24

We want the good, the bad and the ugly!  We want the super basic, the traditional, and the unimaginable. We want pumpkins from the littlest of kids, bigger kids, teenagers and adults. We want lots of pumpkins!  Help fill the party tables lined up along Chestnut Street on Saturday, October 24th. Bring one or more pumpkins and earn the right to bask in the glow! Enjoy the entertaining... Read More

Hotel Bridge Update

Julie Bowers of Workin’ Bridges, the iron bridge restoration outfit that performed a March 2015 site visit and submitted a scope of work report on Hotel Bridge, has done further reseach on lifting Hotel Bridge to the parking lot across Main Street to make the repairs on land. Bowers contacted the utility companies over the summer to determine what actions might be feasable.... Read More

Orange Dam Summer Update

Orange Dam/Riverfront Trashing/Bike Path Development-Leeds Civic Association members, Chartpak owners, and the Northampton Police Department met to develop a strategy around the ongoing abuse of the river and area around Orange Dam. This was following the graffiti issues we had there last month, and ongoing complaints from locals about abuse of the area. This has resulted in improved... Read More

Leeds Mill River Greenway History Walk

by Penny Geis photo by John Body, MRGI Last year, I joined the Mill River Greenway Initiative on several of their river walks guided by people who know the history and the ecology of the river. On one walk I saw where the river used to run through downtown Northampton. This spring, an MRGI canoe trip took us through the floodplain forest and marsh just before our Mill River joins... Read More