Important Community Meeting: June 1st
The Workin’ Bridges community meeting will be held Monday, June 1st at 6:30pm at Leeds School Cafeteria. In addition to Workin’ Bridges presenting a plan for full restoration and the cost involved, a plan to open the bridge to foot traffic and bicycles while restoration funding is sought will be offered. The city of Northampton owns the bridge and must approve of any bridge... Read More
People pitch in at Leeds Civic Litter Pick-Up
by Sue Carbin The weather was pretty near perfect for the April 25th village clean up. Twenty seven volunteers turned out. Don Willard and his band of enthusiastic ATVers whipped through Sylvester Rd. Ben Weil, Jason Johnson, Tim Reynolds (and little helpers Rafe, Adi, Luco), Ananda Lennox, Rachel, Julia, Nava, and Patricia, did a great job on Reservoir Rd…they even pulled... Read More
Rail Trail spur to Hotel Bridge
Three Smith College engineering students have completed their senior capstone project designing a bike path spur from the Norwottuck Rail Trail to Main Street in Leeds. The bike spur would curve down to Main Street along the border of the Alternative Recycle lot. The proposed bike spur project helps to focus attention on the Hotel Bridge and how it is a much needed span that when... Read More
Expert Iron Bridge Team, Workin’ Bridges, Inspected Hotel Bridge
The extreme cold temps that continued month after month this winter turned out to be lucky for Leeds in one regard; the Mill River stayed frozen long enough for the iron bridge restoration team, Workin’ Bridges, to get a close-up look at the Hotel Bridge. When Workin’ Bridges suggested they come to see the bridge while there was still ice, the preparations moved very quickly.... Read More
Phenomenon in Leeds
By “The Neighbor” So many things have happened in the natural world of Leeds that one can get breathless – bird and animal sightings to the transformation of the Mill River from 7 inches of skateable ice to ice-free in less than 12 hours (Sunday 1/19). But maybe the most interesting occurrence happened back on an early January eve when several neighbors gathered... Read More
Mill River Ice Jams
[JAN 20, 2015] I don’t know if anyone has been walking around the river, with the conditions so treacherous over the last two days. Sunday night I went out into my back yard on Main Street and found the entire river flowing across the rear portion of my property. This is the third time this has happened in the 14 years that I’ve lived here, once during Hurricane Irene,... Read More
Time for another Leeds Pumpkin Party!
October 25th, 4:30-8:30 We are mixing up a few things, and keeping some things the same. The LCA volunteers who plan this shin-dig kindly request this year that each family carve at least one pumpkin. Carve more if you can, as many as you like to make the pumpkin display the biggest and best ever. We have no specific requests of our beloved seniors, simply that they come and enjoy... Read More
Important Oct. 6 events:
Leeds Bike Trail Extension Walking Tour – Oct 6th at 4:30 A walking tour of the MassCentral Rail Trail Extension project which will run along the Mill River from Mulberry Street to South Main Street in Haydenville has been scheduled for October 6th at 4:30 by Wayne Feiden. The walking tour is not a preliminary walk, it is required to be given to the hired engineering firm... Read More
From The Daily Hampshire Gazette article September 16, 2014 Leeds group makes push to preserve beloved Hotel Bridge By Chad Cain Staff Writer Tuesday, September 16, 2014 NORTHAMPTON — As a special police officer for Northampton nearly five decades ago, Chuck Dunning had frequent occasion to cross the iconic Hotel Bridge as part of his job walking the beat in Leeds. He remembers... Read More
Saratoga Race Track Fun
The LCA bus trip to Saratoga Springs on August 1 was an outstanding, excellent adventure. Wrangler-in-Chief Jim Mias led a bus filled to capacity with many many Leeds residents, along with friends from distant boroughs and towns such as Florence, Hamp, and the Faraway Hamps. Some of us were rookies on the trip; others were clearly recidivists. The weather was perfect. One... Read More