Great Leeds Pumpkin Festival Marks 20 Years!

Saturday evening, October 26th (rain date 27th), the place to be between 5:00 and 9:00 is where Upland Road meets Chestnut Ave. in Leeds. It is the place where pumpkins rule and pumpkins roll. It is the spot where creativity, community and really nice people meet and have a great time. It is the spot of the 2013 Great Leeds Pumpkin Fest!

There will be home made soups, baked potatoes, cider and sweet treats to enjoy, all of which are provided by generous volunteers. There will be a bit of haunting music provided by another wonderful volunteer who will be our mc for the evening.

It has been a long-standing tradition that last years’ first prize winner bakes next years’ first place prize. I am not certain that last years’ winner, Jim Montgomery, is a pie maker, but I know for certain that his lovely wife, Linda Butler, is an excellent pie maker! Along with several tasty prizes there will be funny and practical ones too.

The party starts at 5:00 with the kid’s pumpkin roll which is hilarious and heartwarming to watch if your not a kid and a ton of fun if you are a kid. Eating, meeting and laughing happens throughout the party. Voting begins at 6:00. Vote tally is at 7:30. This year there will be three categories: KIDS (ages up to 6), YOUTH (ages 7-12), ADULTS (ages 13 and up).

I hope this build up has gotten you excited to carve. You have plenty of time to start thinking about what to carve, collage or paint on a pumpkin. Anything goes in this event and every pumpkin displayed adds to the heart of the party. Your creations and your neighbors’ will be lined up and on display. They will be lit, highlighted and numbered…and they will all be oooohed and aaahed over.

Happy carving!

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