LCA Meeting May, 09, 2023
LCA Meeting May 09, 2023
Earl Meunier
Penny Geis
Heidi Stevens
Marc Freedman
Minutes: approved
Memorial Day Event:
Leeds Memorial
Sunday May 28th at 1:00
HS to make posters
PG to ask Ms Wenz to advertise on Leeds marquee
Ice Cream Social
MF to ask DR for a date
Flower planters for summer
PG: Does Edna Green want to manage them?
HS: can we get gift certificates to give as gifts for people who take care of the flowers?
River clean up:
HS: has started scheduling clean up groups
Tom Anise will supply bags
Pamela Cobb and Elsie ti help with water testing
MF to try get on as signor Florence Savings Bank
Chart Pack Dam inspection – Nov 2024
Heidi to get a second mail box key
Meeting adjourn – 8:00