3rd Annual Hotel Bridge Bike Ride

Bikers- waring to go


43 riders enjoyed the 3rd Annual Bike Ride for the Leeds Hotel Bridge that was held May 20th. Starting at Chart-Pak the 25 miles route went to Outlook farm and back and the 50 mile route went the 25 mile route came back to Chart-Pak and then went to Conway.
Even thou it got hot later on in the day-it was perfect weather early in the morning when the riders started out and no one going to complain after the rainout last year. Many of the riders commented on how easy it was to follow the paint that marked the route-and the smiley faces that meant a hill was coming up

James Montgomery representing the Mass Bike organization  asked riders to fill out forms and gave t-shirts and numerous bike accessories away if you registered with MassBike.
Joe’s Garage in Haydenville which I’m told is a very good place to go if your into bikes, had a group of riders. Also a few riders were there and told us about a another bike ride for cancer victims called Steph’s Wild Ride, coming up June 2nd-I’m told it’s long ride but doesn’t have the hills like our does

The two people that are responsible for putting on this great fund raiser are Alice Badecker and Stephy Cho. Beside organizing, advertising, promoting, getting donations for all the food and drink, they also went over all the routes(10, 25, 50 miles) and picked up and swept where they thought it need it- they did this the night before from 5 til 10:30 pm- 5 and ½ hours.

We are hoping that all the people that helped out this year will return next year and if you missed the fun this year…look for the ride next May. It is usually run during Bike Week.  Remember we are raising funds for the historic preservation of the Leeds Hotel Bridge that connect Water Street and Main street.

You can view more photos of the Bike Ride Here