LCA Minutes: January 10, 2012

In Attendance:  Joel Emrick,  George Kohout,  Sue Carbin,  George Mirriam,  David Rondina (Notes),  Stephy Cho,  Alice Badecker, John Lutz

1)     Review of last meeting’s minutes.  Passed without corrections – note to eventually post minutes on web site

  1. Treasurer’s report: -(handout)
  2. Current Balance = $ 3008.80
  3. Current Dues received for 2012 = $ 920        including seven business memberships

2)     New Business – John Lutz of Haydenville Road advised the LCA of the following happenings in Leeds:

There is a proposed structure to be built by owner John Chakalos (Linda Manor) of 76k sq ft3 story 80 person senior living building on 8-10 acres.  There has been limited and/or short notice of Notice to Abutters regarding the project.  He and other neighbors are looking for “sensitivity to the locals” throughout this process.  They want the LCA and its members to be aware of some of the issues including proximity to the main street and other houses, lighting, traffic, intersections, and its relation to Linda Manor in its operation and organization.

3)     Update on Leeds Conservation Areas (handout)

  1. The city has money from the state and CPA in the amount of aprox. $89k to buy rights from Mineral Hills in order to expand the conservation areads around the city.   They are looking for aprox. $40k more.
  2. Should the LCA spend our money to support this endeavor?
  3. Alice B. motions for $150.00 grant from LCA funds.  Sue C seconds the motions.  Unanimous agreement for first vote.
  4. 2nd and final vote to be taken at next meeting

4)     LCA calendar of events update:

  1. Pizza Party- looking for organizers and a date still.  Florence Civic Center, VFW in Florence, American Legion in Haydenville, Beaver Brook Golf Club are all viable options.
  2. Sat. April 21st – Litter Pick Up or Earthday Celebration (new name?)  rain date 22nd (earthday rec)
  3. Sun May 20th – Bike Ride.  Rain date 27th
  4. June 3rd – High Tea
  5. June-Aug – Saturday Night Movies on Yankee Hill, plus at least one on the common
  6. Nature Hike?  Jim Montgomery and Deb J
  7. Aug 25th and July 28th – Saratoga Family trips (Jim Mias)
  8. August Ice Cream Social?? Ask for a business sponsor (George & Deb O)
  9. Sun Sept 1st – Dinner on the Bridge – rain date 2nd
  10. Sun Sept 16th Block party-, rain date 15th
  11. NO candidates night this year
  12. Oct 27th – rain date 26th Pumpkin Fest on the bike path this year? Looking for someone to lead this.
  13. Nov 25th,  Holiday lights in the park – rain date 24th
  14. Bingo?  Alice and Stephy still researching
  15. Nov 13th – History Night 9Joel E)

5)     Heidi said “yes” to producing the Newsletter.  Sue will still do the January 2012

6)     Website – We now have outdated software that is no longer supported.  LCA has authorized Joel to look for and purchase a new web design software in the $100 range

7)     Joel asks about maintenance in the Veteran’s Memorial Park across from Leeds School.

  1. Can the marble and bronze, etc be cleaned?  He will check with Brad Levay who has performed this before

8)         Next Meeting : February 14th, 7:00 PM, Leeds Teacher’s Lounge

Meeting adjourned at 8:55