April meeting minutes

April 09, 2019



Penny Geis

Tommy Quinn

Sue Carbin

Marc Freedman

Jon Dietrich

Karyn Nelson

Steve McDonough

Jason Johnson

Hanuman Goleman


Date for Yard Sale: June 15th 8:00 am, rain date 16th


Treasurer’s Report:


Bench: deciding on forest green bench

Karyn will get estimate on delivery date

Rich P will coordinate the bench installation with another bench on Hospital Hill



Conservation Commission Report: Does the LCA want to continue the Conservation Restriction to Robert’s Hill? Yes

Sue will follow through



Beaver Brook Greenway work day: April 20th 9:00 am asking for volunteers to clean trails around Beaver Brook, stain picnic tables  (strip of land between Beaver Brook and Haydenville Road)

Mustard/Weed pull; May 16th 9:00 am

Grand Opening in June


Hotel Bridge Planters:

Ask Jeff Marney to water the planters (Tommy to ask)



Newsletter: May/June


Green tip


Weed recipes garlic mustard & knotweed


Adjourned 7:50 pm

Laurie Saunderson and Sue (author of in the shadow of dam) to do a reading