LCA Minutes: December 13, 2011

In Attendance: Jim Mias,  Joel Emrick,  George Kohout,  Sue Carbin,  Deb Jacobs,  David Rondina (Notes),  Earl Meunier,  Stephy Cho,  Alice Badecker

1)     Thank you to Sue Carbin for 12 years of Presidency and unrivaled leadership

2)     Treasurer’s report: –

  1. (handout)
  2. Current Balance = $2,978.39
  3. Current Dues received for 2012 = $1351.00 including seven business memberships
  4. New lights purchased by Jim for Bridge. Ck#1051 for $54.77
  5. Memorial Day Celebration expenses by Earl. Ck for $20

3)     New Board Members and renewal of policies

  1. George Kohout – President, Alice Badecker – Vice President, Sue Carbin- Treasurer, David Rondina-Secretary, Board members-Deb Jacobs, Jim Mias, Stephy Cho, Earl Meunier, Joel Emrick
  2. Continuing use of PO Box 114
  3. Email is
  4. Maintaining 501(c) 3 documentation
  5. 2 year term for officers and board members
  6. Any currently paid member can vote on issues raised at monthly meetings
  7. V.P. fills in for President when necessary (i.e. run meetings)
  8. We will review by-laws at next meeting (unfinished)
  9. Quorum=5 out of 9 people for a Board Vote

4)     Rail Trail Signage

  1. Planning office asking for feedback for signage on rail trail to be placed where  Rail Trail crosses Mulberry St at the small park
  2. Concrete pads are already in place and prepared for trail maps and directions plus short explanations of the area and its history
  3. Suggest adding language to encourage riders to go to Main St. and visit the Flood Memorial and Hotel Bridge (unfinished)
  4. Add flood date of May 16, 1874 (unfinished)
  5. George will ask town about status of a sign on rail trail going to Williamsburg/Grove Ave (update)

5)     Newsletter

  1. Lets establish due dates for Newsletter material  (unfinished)
  2. Need more contributions to the Newsletter.  Lets advertise and suggest topics for readers to write in about: History, Events, Obituaries, Memorials, Nature, Community Topics, Thank Yous, Daily Observations, Educational, Reminder of Dues, list of LCA Events
  3. Usually we produce 9 newsletters per year, last year was only 6.  It depends on the time and quantity of LCA events.
  4. Distributed via approximately  120 emails and 20 hard copies
  5. George will ask Heidi Stevens to put the Newsletter together every other month.  (update)  Charge copies to Collective Copies
  6. Deliverers: Bruce Walker, Earl, Arlene Hines, Sue, Annie Morehouse, Kyle Scheiller

6)     Hotel Bridge Update: CPA gave LCA $35k for an engineering study for the Hotel Bridge.  As of this meeting, nothing has been done other than close the bridge due to “liability’s sake”. Waiting for update from N’ton DPW and to schedule community meeting w/ engineers (Stantec)

7)     New Beaver Brook Conservation Area; City purchased 2 lots across from Electric Company on Rte 9

  1. These parcels will serve as a Gateway to Northampton and also as an entrance to the larger Beaver Brook / Broad brook conservation area that extends  across Beaver Brook to back of North Farms road. The parcel may need maintenance from LCA in  the spring
  2.  (hand out)
  3. $1k is allocated toward the sign for the “gateway project”.  The conservation area (Beaver Brook, Broad Brook) needs to be officially named for the sign. (unfinished)
  4. What about the back of the sign?  “Thanks for visiting” (unfinished)
  5. Deb J and Alice B are the LCA reps to the Gateway Committee and will give feedback for signage at tomorrow’s (12/14)town meeting (update)

8)     Website – George, David, and Joel will meet at the end of the meeting to discuss the website.  Results will be discussed at next meeting. (update)

9)     Events to be discussed and finalized in January’s meeting :

  1.  March – Pizza Party.  Need to find venue options: Elks, Overlook, others? (unfinished)
  2. no Jan. or Feb. events
  3. How about “Bingo” or “Texas Hold’em” for fundraisings for LCA – Alice will check with MA lottery commission for logistics (update)
  4. George and Deb O.  will look in to another ice cream event (update)
  5. LCA history night update
    1. Considered successful; 32  pp present
    2. Held in Music Room
  6. Jim Montgomery and Deb Jacobs wish to organize a hike to view the Beaver Brook and Broad Brook areas
  7. Suggestion of a Hay Ride, with or without horses throughout Leeds
  8. Earth Day – an event to “clean up “ areas and plant flowers.  Keep in addition to “Litter Pick-up”
  9. Aug. – Saratoga bus trip – youth and adults (family trip) Jim M
  10. Aug – Dinner on the Bridge (Stephy)
  11. Selling wine to support local businesses

10)      Next Meeting : January 10th, 7:00 PM, Leeds Teacher’s Lounge

Meeting adjourned at 8:20